Thursday, June 9, 2016

1962: The End Of The World

This is as raw as it gets. Your lover breaks up with you, and it seems like ... well, the end of the world. In that moment, you are certain that there will be no second act for you, so why doesn't The Director bring down the curtain?

Sylvia Dee and Arthur Kent put words and music to the way we've all felt when a love ends, and Skeeter Davis made it the soundtrack for countless lonely evenings. With ice cream. And/or wine.

As I said in the video, there's a Bonus SixtySong coming up soon. If the End Of The World got you down, this one will make you smile (or maybe scratch your head).

Please leave your comments on Facebook and/or here on the SixtySongs site. I'd love to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I posted a "sad" face but I LOVED your rendition of this song though it always makes me kinda sad. One of my favorite songs ever. Thank you for continuing to pick songs "all about me!" :-)
